Avocet Corner Bookstore


Welcome to the Avocet Corner Bookstore
The Avocet Corner Bookstore is operated by Friends of the Bear River Refuge. The Friends is a volunteer organization dedicated to the conservation, appreciation and promotion of awareness of the wildlife, birds and habitats of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Proceeds from your purchases go back to the refuge in support of projects that the refuge staff initiate and implement. Cooperative projects between the refuge staff and the Friends organization are also funded, such as the documentary film, “Wings of Thunder,” professionally produced about the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

Contact us at 435-734-6443 for more information or to purchase something from our store. We are located inside the James V. Hansen Wildlife Education Center in Brigham City, Utah.

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Thursday: 8:00am to 4:00pm

Friday: 9:00am to 3:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Please call before coming to make sure we are open. 435-734-6443
Closed Sundays, Mondays, and Federal holidays.

If we are not open please feel free to take advantage of our fantastic online store!

The store offers a wide variety of items to purchase. Books on subjects from environmental conservation to traveling and a plethora of field guides on birds, wildflowers, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies and more are available to peak your interest. Reading books from Rachel Carson and other authors who share their stories of birding adventures abound. A wide selection of children’s books are available as well as a resource area for educators and home schoolers. Gift items range from logo T-shirts and hats to pins, coffee mugs, notecards and the ever so popular Audubon singing birds. We also feature specialty items from local artisans. All proceeds from the bookstore go directly to supporting Refuge projects and events. 

We offer our customers the ability to purchase your Federal Duck Stamp and Junior Duck Stamp at our store. Buying a Federal Duck Stamp provides 98 cents out of every dollar directly to purchasing vital habitat for protection in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Since it’s creation in 1934, over $700 million dollars has been generated for the conservation of more than 5.2 million acres of wetlands and migratory bird habitat. The Junior Duck Stamp exposes youth to wetlands and celebrates conservation using art.

Come and check us out the next time you are in the area. Be sure to stop in and pick up a volunteer application if you would like to help out by taking a shift at either the bookstore or the front information desk! We are always in need of volunteers!

Remember, we are not just a place, but a destination to be revisited often!

See you soon!